
Manel Charouni, Web developer

A Tunisia-based web developer who's down to learn something new everyday.

Six years ago, ending up a web developer was nothing of what I've planned back then...

After studying biology in high-school, the initial and natural plan was to pursue chemical enginering in university. But what happened was I rethought my carrer plans and digged deep into my real passions and how intriguing computer science was to me. By exploring and combining my passion, purpose, and what I really wanted, I started software engineering studies, and am most grateful for doing so. I have learnt a lot ever since and develepod a true passion for web and mobile development. I have experienced life abroad and I strive for diversity and enjoy working within multicultural teams.
Please reach out to me through facebook, skype, linkedIn or Gmail to tell you more!
Thanks for passing by !

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